Welcome to the pp电子游戏下载pp电子游戏平台 STEM Education Center.

欢迎来到阿肯色大学校园内的pp电子游戏下载pp电子游戏平台 STEM教育中心 at Monticello. 我们的使命是改善美国的数学和科学教育 阿肯色州东南部地区通过实施提高数学能力的计划 and science knowledge of our students and teachers. We support the objectives of our 国家,州和地方的数学和科学组织,包括:NCTM, NSTA, ACTM, ASTA, SEACTM, and SEASTA.

contact information


Campus Life


A Kid's Guide to Mechanics and Engineering

"A Kid's Guide to Mechanics and Engineering" http://www.yourmechanic.com/article/a-kid-s-guide-to-mechanics-and-engineering-by-maddy-martin

工程学是一门涉及创造性思维来解决问题或设计的科学 inventions. 工程师通常运用他们的想象力来制造新物品. These objects might make people's lives easier. Sometimes engineers work on objects that already exist to make them better. 工程师创建的对象示例包括 car engines, computers, bridges, robots, and furniture. Engineers need to have strong science and math skills to design inventions. Engineering includes a lot of different 而作为工程师的人通常会强烈地想要帮助别人 and making a difference in the world.

一位科学家的传记信息,雪花·本特利.   http://snowflakebentley.com/

数学和识字加上游戏与这个页面上的许多链接: http://www.mathwire.com/seasonal/winter05.html

NGSS at NSTA Website:

Introduce a different way of thinking to your classroom

  • Planning an NGSS Curriculum
  • Designing Units & Lessons
  • Selecting Materials
  • Conducting Assessments

Engineering is Elementary Website:

工程是初级支持教育工作者和儿童的课程和专业 development that develop engineering literacy


Mindware Website:

全国最好的儿童教育玩具和学习玩具资源之一 for kids that engage and entertain. Whatever kid's learning toys you select, we guarantee 让你的孩子在玩耍的过程中学习,并从中获得乐趣!


Better Lesson Website:

这个网站是由一群来自亚特兰大和波士顿公立学校的老师创建的 联系教育工作者,帮助他们创建、组织和分享他们的课程. Free K12 Lesson Plans and Resources


Newsela Website:

Unlimited access to hundreds of leveled news 文章和共同核心测验,每天都有新的文章


Great website!  Check the other lessons:  Earth, Physical, etc http://www.ccmr.cornell.edu/education/educational-resources/teacher-developed-lesson-plans/

Topical List of Earth Science Websites

链接到岩石,矿物,污染,板块构造,冰川, Soil, Energy, etc. etc.    http://webs.cmich.edu/resgi/

Teach with Movies

Many teachers use video to enhance instruction.  Teach with Movies has lesson plans for hundreds of movies useful in all content areas.  Membership is $1 per month, but 你也许可以说服图书管理员订阅一份. 

Check the sample plan for October Sky at:   http://www.teachwithmovies.org/

Microscopy Website

本网站包含与使用显微镜相关的各种项目的链接.  Check out the Microscope Primer, a downloadable guide to using a microscope, a Pond Life Identification Kit (relates to primary frameworks), Pond Dip-一个虚拟池塘,里面有关于那里所有生物的信息, MicScape 一本专门研究显微镜的杂志,加上2000多篇以前印刷过的文章 links to the best microscopic image galleries.  http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/full_menu.html

Brain and Nervous System Links

数十个链接指向所有人学习神经系统时有用的材料 levels.  Lots of kewl stuff! http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/works.html 

Tech Tip: Handheld Digital USB Microscopes

最近在显微镜领域的创新包括数字配置 是否可配合小学/中学的需要作示范.  One such product is ProScope, sometimes called “Scope on a Rope”.  This microscope attaches to a computer and 可以用来捕捉视频、延时拍摄和放大物体的静态照片吗.  It comes 在几个放大,据称是易于使用,便携.

如果你的学校已经有高质量的显微镜,a flexible camera 可以连接到目镜并与电视连接吗.  Prior to doing lab 作品中,放大的物体可以被所有的学生看到,就像老师指出的那样具体 areas of interest.  这是一个很好的教学工具,当学生面临 试图鉴别细胞在有丝分裂的不同阶段,木质部之间的区别 植物的韧皮部,或任何组织的分化细胞等等. Flex cams can also 用于聚焦较大物体的大体结构.e. organs in dissected specimens. 

Paper Models

Paper Fractal Geometric Model http://www.ss42.com/pt/fractle/fractle-fidgets.html 

Links to dozens of different kinds:


Upper Level Teachers-如果这些看起来太简单而不能作为回顾,那就把它们作为介绍性的形式 在你开始一个单元之前进行评估,看看你的学生记住了多少 previous classes.

Virtual Pig Dissection link:


All Teachers:

PBS TeacherLine now offers WGBH/Teachers'

Domain professional development courses in Physical, Life, and Earth and Space Sciences 适合小学、初中和高中教育工作者,作为一个特殊的集合内 PBS TeacherLine.

您可能有资格获得免费的PBS教师在线课程 Arkansas IDEAS Learn Now initiative. To learn more, please visit http://ideas.aetn.org/ .

Fall national courses begin Wednesday, October 24, 2007 你所在地区的课程可能有额外的开课日期.

“Text Messaging”

Your students, and your children, speak a new language….…it’s called “Text Messaging”. For many of us it

是完全不可理解的,但它节省了他们的时间,因为他们试图发送快速消息 using the tiny key pads on their cell phones. I haven’t ventured into text messaging since I CRS (can’t remember stuff) as easily I could years ago and TSNF (that’s so not fair!). If we want to understand this generation PLU (people like us) should know something about their “culture”. Here is a link to a Text Messaging Dictionary, maybe you will find it useful.

我可能会试着自己学一点,只要我能找到短信 button on my phone.


US Mint Lesson Plans

可下载有关国家四分之一系列和其他最近发行的硬币的课程. 这对于除了科学之外还教社会研究的人来说很有用.

Lesson- Extracting DNA

这需要你手头上的简单物品,或者可以在当地商店找到. Students 中学以上的学生都能很容易地完成这个DNA提取活动,而且很有效 with a variety of plant materials. .


Lunar Plank Growth Project

在线注册参加NASA工程设计挑战赛:月球工厂 Growth Chamber. 在2007-2008学年,K-12学生将设计、分析、 建造并评估可以在月球上使用的植物生长室. Registrants 会收到一袋装在STS-118航天飞机上的肉桂罗勒籽吗 任务和控制包的种子还没有飞. The two sets of seeds will 用于评价学生设计的植物生长室. Sign up for the NASA Express listserv接收有关挑战的电子邮件消息,更新挑战 关于NASA教育活动的网站和公告.


$120,000 in reading software programs and training

Grant Title : Schools in Need Competition Organization : Knowledge Adventure Eligibility: K-8 schools

Value: 10 awards of $12,000 each Deadline : December 15, 2007 Contact:


“有需要的学校”竞赛将于7月1日启动,并向以下学校开放 学生的阅读成绩至少要提高30% between grades K-8. 学校还必须表现出对补充阅读材料的需求 解决特定的阅读缺陷,并利用技术投资 the school has made for reading instruction. Winning schools will receive the new 知识冒险学院系列产品,用于早期读写,阅读理解, and vocabulary, along with training and support.